I’ve reinvented myself a zillion times over…
Luckily my natural curiosity kept me learning and my love of people’s stories kept me reaching out and asking. Eventually I would stumble along to the next step and feel as though it was going in the right direction. However, much of the time, my learning path more resembled a game of pin the tail on the donkey than a well-informed pleasant country hike. I barely knew where I was coming from, and sorely missed asked the right questions when opportunities arose.
Learning Ecos is dedicated to all the people that have influenced me and all the questions I did not know to ask.
Learn more the “Ecos” meaning and lifestyle in this great article from The Cambrian (Now The Tribune), “Ecos or oikos, there’s no place like home: Earth1
Patricia Stitson, Learning Experience Designer
Founder, Connector, Techie, Writer, Artist, Force of Nature, and Instigator.